This was inspired by a discussion on the Internet Reconnections list about Drugs.
The title of the thread in the discussion list was:
That I come in contact with
Altering and changing the who that i think i am
The substance of a rainy day
Of numbing work
Of driving hard and fast
Of getting what you say
Inhaling the smoke
Of your wet eyes when you cry
Of all the screaming and shouting we do when we get mad at each other
All that psychedelic fungi that is part of
My left toe
That guy’s eyebrow
A misplaced word
Shot in the vein
With the warm oily liquid of a crickets racket
In a regular crescent moon night
Flowing through and around
I pick them
I drink them
I watch them and I hear them
I become them
One day I will drink the Sun
I will smoke the stars
I will be high as Heaven
And all will be right as rain
I’ll leave no substance for pain
No time for getting old
All creation I shall make of gold.
I remember when I was younger and smoke pot regularly of very dark times when I did not smoke, Darker indeed than the day really was, something was missing when I was not high. I sometimes smoke a joint, when my friends offer, but it has been quite a while since the last one and I do not miss it.
I remember the day after drinking mushroom tea, more than 20 years ago, half my brain gone for quite a while. A friend of mine frequent drinker now talks like a child and does childish things, most his brain did not return from the frequent flying.
I remember once driving my motorcycle so drunk I almost was not able to return home in the night hours after a party, and wondering what angel got me to bed unharmed.
I loved the highs, and I loved the buzz, but for now I choose to keep just the coffee and the sugar and the substances that come “naturally” to me, people, places, circumstances...
And just to stir up the argument a bit, gravity is a natural occurring phenomenon, but you will not find me jumping from a building without parachute. Or jumping at all, but that is me. This to argue that you can’t smoke pot and not get paranoid and not have some sperm and DNA deformity, that you can’t eat mushrooms and expect to keep all your neurons, or drink a lot and expect not to numb big parts of your natural being. O well I guess shortcuts are fine, who am I to disagree. But it seems also valid to ask is “What is the rush?” Since (it seems) we all want to find Peace at the end can you get there by rushing? Can you find Peace in a hurry?
To challenge a few Synaptic Connections in your brain:
It looks like shortcuts only allow you to take what you can squeeze through the wormhole; a good part stays behind wanting to catch up. Since it is quite valid to ask how much of us exists out of the brain, how intelligent are we if we do not think? How square is it to use drugs after all? How much of Us can we fit into this Space Time frame with a damaged brain?
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