Inspiration is something that comes to me in many ways, which does not mean that it is something i experience offten. It is rare to have an epiphany, or to be able to put together coherently more than a few lines or impressions. Many times my recordings are but a few lines in a notebook, that get buried in time, that are forgotten between the pages, that do not hold meaning for they were either poorly and incompletely written or they had not much significance or value to begin with. I am mostly “stimulated” into inspiration by reading, it could be said that i get a second hand breath, and perhaps that is all there is to it, the emotion i feel for understanding something i did not before.
But then this might be all right, and all the inspiring thoughts that are found in books, flashing new ideas through my synapses, could be printed reflexions of our day and age. Solar flares in print.
I was going through my books, wanting to find a quick thought for breakfast, and my hands found my old copy of Ken Carey’s “Vision”. There was a chapter already marked, it seems i started reading that book and stoped midway some time ago. It is a most wonderful little book, one of those that are so rich that the pages seem to have a different depth, the words are fuller, the simple sentences woven with thick layers of meaning. Not surprisingly the book is a chanelled message from higher up, dictated by God himself, where He explains our destiny in Creation. It is a good thing to know, our destiny, or at least what the Universe has in store for us. And you know, it could not be any different, it is as big as creation itself. Big in numbers, in time, in possibilities, in immense unfoldment.
When we think about Destiny, we think in human terms, but the universe is painted in enormous strokes. It seems to me what we need to know is that we are a very relevant part in this unfolding saga. How do our little lives fit within the planetary orbits, where do we stand among quantum events, why would a Star care, why would a holographic atom give us the (probable) time of day?
Reading that little book i came to the realization that we do fit in, and that as living, self aware, sentient beings the role we play and that we shall play in this Universe is so glorious that no words can really describe.
We are conciousness engines, we are the spark of light that shall unentropise all matter. Eventually, given the Billions of years we have to accomplish it, we will raise the whole mass of this creation and give it back to the Father. We are the missing link in the entropy equation, the power to create new fulcrums and new levers to move what is still and dead. We are the Locusts that shall eat all this Universe up and transform it in Conscious Awareness. Your cat will wear a tuxedo, your dog will tell you jokes, beetles will build our houses, and flowers will smell like whole simphonies. And we no longer shall be just “Human”. There is no limit for a Creation that ever rises in conciousness, untill, one day, all universes are consumed in fire, in light; untill one day all lies quiet in the Assembly of the One, still, and neither Light nor Darkness have any meaning.
It is our right to realize that from Big Bang to Big Crunch (or I could say Big Gulp) the meaning of our existence is firmly and finely woven, that we have been very intentionally part of the equation of the Cosmos from its inception to its comsumption, and that the joy of this Glorious ride and the pleasure of this Grand Feast is our birthright. We are hanging by a divine and undestructible thread to both ends of creation, so much that the Universe would not exist without us. We are the keepers of the time space continuum, of the spatial differences in location, of the possibility of relation among separate parts. Only we can travel from the bottom to the top, only we can become immense after being so small, only we can tell the tale of our journey, only we can rest after a day of creating worlds without end.
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