sábado, fevereiro 05, 2005

Some thoughts on time and space

Created Sun Sep 30, 2001
Revised Thu Feb 3, 2005

Big Bang

It is actively happening now in some level; Seth was one of the first I know to put it that way.

I feel that as much as an explosion of parts it was also an implosion of division. The Unity of the Oneself creating uncountable divisions, threads, frontiers between itself and itself. Space isn’t as much a matter of distance, as it is a frontier between parts of unity, made of course of parts of it.

Talking about expansion or contraction is sort of meaningless in this regard, since it is all the same. Even distance is made of and “within” the same primeval Unity, and must end up Balancing after all. It does not seem to me that the original "field" that originated space or time in itself expands or contracts, as much as it creates conditions within itself (All that Is - All the Same) to expand or contract. Also that in every division of the Oneself there must be an undivided "window". This window being the root of the thing divided planted on the source of its existence.

The movement of the expansion of parts can only be seen / imagined emanating from a center point, that is an easy and common thought, but the movement of division must be seen as a folding to the "inside" of a theoretical external membrane. Like curtains, the folds in the brain, augmenting the neuronal surface, or veils that surround an enclosed quarter being gently blown by the breeze, touching each other lightly. Although all those things such as outside and inside are also created at that explosive eternal present point in Multiversal Time, there is a sort of Impossible Untopological Topology, all folds being made of just one side. The explosive vectorial "male" God needing the implosive involving "female" Goddess in order to be.

All experience must essentially be made of nothingness, of the one sided membrane pressed as the frontier between two fields. All the interconnected stuff in the universe is made in final analysis of a perfectly balanced "force". TAO - the perfectly balanced equation in the Supermaterial Cosmic Center. The Big Bang is not an imbalance, it cannot be, the stuff that made it all does not have a "place" to loose equilibrium into. It created a place out of itself, it cannot be imbalanced, since it was "made of the same". It is Fulcrum and Lever at the same time. There is no defect, no infinite expansion that will freeze no eventual collapse into a ball of hell.

When the dance begun with the descending of curtains and veils, Energy too begun to exist and flow between separate points. Since Energy is very much part of separateness, for it has an intrinsic need for difference of potential to flow. Energy is not the essence, which must by definition be perfectly balanced, holding all potentials.

The Trinity - a field with a line somewhere, a fence.

The primary creation was the frontier, essentially a barrier of "nothingness" (?) between two separate fields, or perhaps a barrier of "Willingness" separating the undivided sea. As Holograms of the creator we can be seen as willingness, a creative force, a pulse line in a screen dividing two spaces, our own little Tao Balls humming.

Time feels like rain in my roof, or a vibration all around. There can be no movement in space without it, or it can also be said that without it there would be all movements in space, back to the primeval soup, not really a chaos, but not fruitful experience either. Fruition, fruitful, Fruit Flow. The Fruits of Flowing. Time is also part of the frontier, of the membrane, all that relativity stuff - time and space equal or relative.

Fourth dimensionality equates to experiencing time as another aspect of space. This can be understood as having the same relative freedom in time as in the other tree dimensions. There is a teaching that says that We all are at the moment four dimensional beings that can only look or perceive the most immediate and obvious tree dimensions in front of us. Having our “feet” planted in time we have time itself in a consciencial “blind spot” so to speak. That same line of thought also says we are in a position of becoming fifth dimensional beings, bound or stuck not anymore by time but relying on looser and higher relativity constraints to be the grounds of our experience. I guess it could be said we are becoming closer to the curtain’s roots, or to that metaphorical window into Oneness, closer to a “higher, wider and stronger” flow of Reality.

I should say could, since I don’t feel that prophetic, but I will say it anyway. Living in this wider moment will allow us to experience the interconnection of all our lives, being helped by our relative FUTURE, helping our relative PAST, integrating all our time experience and becoming another sort of being. In a way we are simply becoming more proficient in feeling and evaluating probabilities and the implication of our actions. It is a looser more creative and active way to say, and to see that we plan our future and cure our past, but it is also a way to widen greatly the scope of what we are. All the while being also enfolded in a sixth dimensional (and seventh and eighth) layer of reality that allows for all the strings of simultaneous lives we are living as Oneself, over a fifth dimensional panorama.

All of this is vibrational and immensely energetic, as we ever approach the one fold that is many folds, the fullness of all that is at the same time being immensely peaceful and right, all energies in movement perfectly balanced

And to finish this brainstorm, or this brain flow, here are a few more morsels of thought:

God, the Creator, All That Is, the Tao;
Is not, cannot be essentially;
Inside, outside, into, through, made of, and etc;
Space, time, energy, or whatever was the stuff that there was before the Bang.

If you are perfectly at the center you can turn effortlessly in any direction. Perhaps that is a window accessible even to us humble human lemur-monkeys, the very excitable fungi on this blue ball.When the universe differentiated in the big explosion of creative experience, it did not spread over a territory, there was no such thing as time and space and flow, or territory, for that matter, for there was not any matter. All was primeval undifferentiated stuff. All That Is “was” at that conceptual point All The Same.

The succeeding explosion was more likely a quantum fase shift. It was more accurately an immensely powerful rotation into parallel dimensions, than an explosive expansion into previously existing “empty space”, creating nonetheless the impression of Space and Time. All the emptiness is filled with fase shifted primeval Uni-matter. It is all there, emptiness being Uni-matter vibrating at slightly different resonant harmonic.
The main Multiversal stuff, the Oneself, is beingness, or consciousness. Consciousness is not energy, it is not even action, but the primary condition for action to happen. Causality.

Love is the essential feeling of being One. It is the ultimate truth of Multiversal experience; I am one with all that is Me.

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