quinta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2005


Abaixo está um conjunto de três mensagens que me senti inclinado a compor durante uma visita de dez dias a Escócia. Esta viagem foi organizada por Nina Florenz guiada por Daniel Jacob e feita com um grupo internacional de dezessete Amigos reunidos pela lista de discussão no Groups Yahoo! – Reconnections – criada e mantida por Daniel para discutir as idéias expostas em seu site Reconnections.

Naquela ocasião alem de nos reunirmos por 3 dias no Grand Duke Hotel em Kingussie para discussões, sessões de channeling com os guias que falam através de Daniel, e aulas de como fazer channeling. Também rodamos por varias locações, Lago Ness incluso e, como clímax, fomos a um importante local de Megalitos (Standing Stones of Callanish) em Calanish. Isso sem esquecer o fechamento da nossa aventura com sessão de Rebirthing, conduzida por Daniel num maravilhoso Inn com vista para a ruína dum velho castelo no mar.

Below you will find a set of tree messages I felt inclined to compose during a 10 day trip to Scotland. This trip was organized by Nina Florenz, guided by Daniel Jacob and made with an international group of seventeen friends united by the discussion group Groups Yahoo! – Reconnections – created and maintained by Daniel Jacob to discuss the ideas exposed in his site Reconnections.

In that occasion, besides getting together for 3 days in the Grand Duke Hotel in Kingussie for discussions, channeling sessions with the guides that speak through Daniel, and channeling classes. We also visited many locations, Loch Ness included and, as a climax we went to an important standing stones site in Calanish (Standing Stones of Callanish). Without forgetting the closing of our adventure with a Rebirthing session, conducted by Daniel in a wonderful Inn with the view of the ruins of a castle by the sea.


Mensagem 1 - Message 1
Grand Duke Hotel, Kingussie, 23 de setembro de 2002 / September, 23rd, 2002

This is our message to you.

You may say we are your future selves, beings that you will eventually become, although in a fashion we are beings that you already are.

You ask what is to become, what is to happen, will I see the skies light up answering for my future.

You expect the drama you expect the fireworks. They are there, inside, though. Loudly commemorating but you are looking, distracted to the other way.

You turned on the head of a pin, and your universe already shifted, and you do not notice that you already are in preparation for the launching of your spaceships and past the portal of your new era.

The change already took place.

You only need to know where to look.

Many things will fade away from your perception, perhaps not as dramatically as you’d be inclined to like, nevertheless the skin is shed and you are expanding quickly into the new dimension of your being. You are falling into this new reality of being, expanding into it, so naturally that you don’t even notice.

And then in your play, you will see the garden took new colors, it expanded within without moving, and you can be the symbol of your beingness. In the sense that you now can allow for being so much the other, there are things that you will be able to hold better for the all, more confortably, in more acceptance and fullness. You can now play the part with carelessness, you can now jump into the abyss, or fall into the deep sky of selfness, of the universe, reaching galaxies, planets; falling into eternal time because you are not falling alone into that, but together with all that is Being.

You are pregnant with the future, and with all the accomplishments that will develop into time and into process, and that is what we need to become real, we are this pull we are this longing that will lead you to your completeness and fullness. Be not afraid, be excited! by all that Being that you are, timeless, boundless, writing names and faces in the shifting sand of time and process.

So when you ask, what is to become; when is judgement coming how will I discern and be counted for my actions? Remember that your action is now, judgement is now, and you are so equipped for the moment that you do not notice the wonderful dance that is happening all along. Never mind if you do not see us in flesh and “Kodak colors”, this is not important. Don’t forget your mundane challenges as they are filled with meaning and reason and the purpose of beingness. Unfoldment is not necessarily boring when you accept you are in such good company as the ones you long to become. The first step in building your space ship is already taken, and it is the greatest one, so big you still do not see it in perspective, so natural you almost take it for granted. Simply look inside and accept the immensity of what you’ve become. Accept the reflections that BEING IS all around you. Be confident in your timing and on the eternal validity of the self you project into this plane. You are now situated in another depth or height of your selfness, where you can see farther, longer, deeper, in more meaningful ways; accept that all in as the gift of being alive.


Mensagem 2 - Message 2
Park Guest House, Harris , 26 de setembro de 2002 / September, 26th, 2002

Super Conscious.

We come here to tell you that there is another level of experience that is being made available to you at this moment. Up to now you had mostly two operating modes, the one of the conscious and the one of the subconscious. These modes had to do with your waking or sleeping selves. What is happening now in your experience is that the linear separation between these two selves is being shortened, hence your having to deal with all those uncomfortable issues that you apparently glide through so well at night. Your sleeping self would take it all in, your awaking self would bring some of it out.

What is appearing now in your experience is the awakening of the super conscious self, which rests in the affirmation of your being’s eternal and deep validity. Superconciousness is your innate right to call the shots of your experience, defining it in your terms, understanding it with your elements and defining language.

There is a feeling that if you fall into that you may find yourselves stranded in incommunicable islands, speaking in tongues and altogether lost in isolation and madness. Isn’t this really describing the sense of being, defined as detached from the All? Instead what you will end up finding is the commonness and similarity of the human experience. You’ll find your own experience is a continuum with the experience of another. Many of your private issues are at this moment abandoning you, they are actually tired of living and cannot take all that infusion of energy that you are allowing yourself to receive. They are going into the earth, into the magnetic energy of the Mother, to be recycled and healed. All the issues relating to the negative or restricting past definitions of ME will be taken in, and will be carefully and tenderly buried into the records, as memories of things you are no longer, and that you no longer need to revive.

The energies coming about form a new and very big vortex, of an intentional force and conscious coordination not yet manifested on this plane. On the other hand, all that happened on this earth is a building up of momentum for this to happen. These energies have to do with the manifestation of a renewed direction for this planet, and draw from mostly every attempt at having a secular/manifest structure connected to the inexplicable galactic center. As above so below. This energy can only at this moment be grounded at this spot on earth because of its magnetic attractive properties, it must be taken away from here in appropriate vessel, lest this beautiful planet would drink it all in. This energy is supposed to be horizontally spread once it hits the manifestation plane. There will be a central stronger peak in it and related smaller whirlpools woven in its fabric. This new etheric envelope is to be stretched to encompass the body of the planet it is earth’s new skin and the energetic womb for its next cycle of gestation. The smaller whirlpools are capsules that can stretch allowing for interconnected possibilities happening in the same space time continuum. In a sense this new skin is thinner, and will narrow the impression that you are separate from open/outer space.

There is a sense of importance to this, also of magnitude. This is the comet that missed the earth, now, did it? Earth's older skin is disappearing into open space; it stayed only long enough for this new emission to arrive and polinise. There is nothing that you are required to do, although it would help that you consciously took in with you some of this energy to be held in different spots on earth in order to accelerate the process and make it a more conscious one on the Human level. As you bring this energy signature with you to your physical place of origin you would be helping that energy to spring, literally from the ground and cover your region, attracting the cover faster and in a smoother fashion. You can have any receptacle to carry it with you, because you are the actual vessel for it, or you can choose some significant object to be charged by this, preferably an object that can hold or resonate with magnetic energy.

It is important to keep in mind that it all happens in the fullness of your being, no matter how you choose to experience fully or encapsulate it for slower consumption. There are cosmic mandates that will be fulfilled regardless, as the universe has its own volition.

What you draw as the circle around you is of fundamental importance at this moment, as you will be entering an age of ease and lightness; not yet manifested in the extent that it is being made available now to all. In this magic circle it is okay to have your familiar talismans and meaningful instruments of trade and of remembrance. This is not the circle of past identity, but a new and improved sense of self where you know you are not lost because maps and territory become the same thing. In the present what matters to you is the quality or sound (ness) of your experience.

All the energies that you are feeling, and that you are translating are energies, do not forget, from the One Life. In feeling that be joyful, be safe within yourself; be powerful inside the circle of your moment.


Mensagem 3 - Message 3
London, por volta 28 de setembro de 2002/ about september, 28th, 2002

these are our comments to your present self.

You dove in depth into time, expanding the meaning of what would be regular time. One week appearing to be much more than it can logically be. You now feel antsy and quite restless as you see that station falling behind as you inevitably move forth. This is the game, understanding where exactly you rest as the images in 3d pass you by. You would identify this resting place as your center, or as knowing who you are, but you usually tend to think those are moving points, shifting all the time. It isn’t so. The place you rest within is where your true roots penetrate the earth, it is where you get your nourishment from, and it is your safe and inviolable space. Standing there something magical happens, you cease to posses and grab greedily the shifting 3d objects and begin to own All that is available in your experience.

You right now cannot believe the bounty available to you, as you tune in the proper manifestation for where you are right now internally. Let the flow get you there. You might be moving, you might be staying, but you will get the sense that all is simply coming to you, in exactly the right amount, measure and color.

If you feel you are stuck, try moving a bit physically keeping your attention fluid and receptive, think you are a tuner trying to find the right station, allow it to be taken to you as you start sounding its call, longing for this lover or loving place. Everything has a name that you call by singing it with all that you are.

You are a column of power, flowing meaning continuously; you are the far boundaries of the circle of your standing. You Are Heaven and Earth and the surrounding Circle of your plane. Now that sounds a bit lonely? And it seems to be a lot of responsibility also, to be in charge of all that. Just know in this reality you are not All-One but a focal point of Selfhood, you are the fingers of god stretching the fabric of existence, you are the needles in the loom where consciousness tries new meanings and weaves experiences. You generate fields between yourselves, and those fields are worlds complete. And although you all lie in different space time stances you were all created equal in Selfhood.

And in that lies the great paradox of how you can be One with the Other and still be yourself. It is in the interacting field of two that the reality of one can be grasped and in the recognition of the uniqueness of every aspect of existence lies its uniting similarity. All is unique because all is made of One; you are unique because you recognize the other in love that only makes your selfhood stronger and your position a safer one.

In that also comes the intensity or cohesion of conscious experience in linear or networked fashion, you can have a split, like twins or triplets being born from moment gestation, the energy is split two or tree or more ways as you arrive in delivery. What does not happen are two parallel moments running disconnected to each other. There is always a connection of meaning between them, if you try to believe that you could possibly have been in two different worlds, or possibilities that run parallel to each other without conscious connection you defuse the impact of delivery.

This is pretty much what happens when you try to allow for the influence of spirit with a doubtful frame of mind, doubt is standing in the boat and in the shore at the same time, not much will come from it. If you have the “multipossible syndrome” also you must ask where does this sensed possibility connect to this moment, do I want to flow to it or is it something that is keeping me from being right here right now? It can be mostly static and noise wasting the energy from a meaningful gestation. There is no wrong answer or result, only meaningful ones. This does not mean that you must experience consciousness in a linear fashion only but that you must follow a live thread of meaning/emotion/purpose in order to access that part of Self.

You must understand that in whatever way you organize your perception, and your definition of the world, that is valid and sacred. Those are your notes on the research you are now taking into limitation, and they shall take you to better grasp the Physical. You must allow process and transformation to polish you, to bring that shine and color that is uniquely your own. So when it comes to remembering instead of trying to retrieve a postcard from that moment, you should try to connect to any past or future self from this present expanding self’s point of focus.



Um comentário:

  1. Thank You Christian,
    I am glad you enjoy this little blog.
