(As posted in http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/gathering_clans_and_tribes/message/240)
The words and concepts we sometimes use are so charged with meaning,and some have more than one heavy significance, that instead ofhelping they actually hinder communication, as they evoke in onerejection and affection in another. Most of them are words we socommonly use that we don´t think twice about their meaning, likepeople we know so much we take for granted. It is like we know themso well that we cannot learn anything else about them. Anotherlanguaging problem is that it mostly antropormorphises all itdefines, and we must look for ways to deantropomorphise our minds.We must find images that define us in other ways than just physicalbodies. Stars connected in heaven, jellyfish, energetic eggs, sacredanimals. For instance when I say God, Goddess, Gods, Goddesses, wesee Zeus, Jehova, Kwan Yin, Gaya, Athena, Mother Nature, Oxum. Andwe think that the Cosmos was created with human motivation, humanintention, and that it is explainable by human languaging alone.
Top, Bottom, High, Low, Male, Female, Young, Old, 5 fingers, legs.Some studies say Language goes "hand in hand" with our ability tomanipulate, they both came up at the same evolutionary point, andare in close regions of the brain. We give faces and human intentionto planets in the sky, we measure our Cosmos in inches. Should weask how does the Cosmos measure (if at all) us?
Once I realized I "knew so much" that I became functionally dumb, somany connections in my brain already taken by things I knew, Ibecame more open to new stuff. Also more recently I came to the hardconclusion that my attention span is at times no better than mycat's when internal connection is the matter. I respond steadily toexternal demands, in that I am (sort of ) reliable and established,but when it comes to internal work, internal demands things arefoggier and a lot less certain. It might be that my internal clientsare not so vocal, as my external are, but I feel I am letting downan important crowd.
I am usually drowned by my internal perceptions, so cosmic andadvanced, and by a personal demand to know it all. It is as if I hadassigned to myself this impossible task of understanding andexplaining it all, formulating solutions to the problems of life.But I am a poor scientist, and my scientific process is a very poorone, I have a lot of untested theories, and a bagful ofsuppositions, and two closets of things that don't quite fit withone another but I like´m so much that I have been keeping them forages.
Then it came to my mind, as things always and steadily come to mymind, like a train station, that I don't need to know it all (duh!)to individuate, to become a happy connected and productive particlein the Multiverse. I don't have to explain it all, figure it allout, digest it, equate it, compare it, solve it, define it as a pathto personal growth. It is that Just Be realization coming to myuniverse.
It seems Just Being, will bring me to terms with the Holographicview of things. The word Holographic is not really precise for itbrings the sense of stillness of an instant picture, I think a termlike HoloMind, or HoloConciousness is more likely to explain it. Forwe are the Cosmos`s Mini-Mes, bubbles of e-gas in a consciousnessmedium. We are Gods, it is written somewhere so it is official.
Another note I must share from the frontier. This is another ofthose charged concepts "The Human Condition", which I nonethelessthink is worth musing over. The Human Condition is of RelativePower, Relative Knowledge, even Relative Morals in comparison to TheDivine Condition which is of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnieverything (Omni-Omni?). Which reveals that the Human Condition is aCondition of Relationship – We must relate, articulate, flex, join,empower, receive, accept…. Flow
In Joy
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