(As posted in: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/gathering_clans_and_tribes/message/318)
Right after I wrote the Animal Planet piece I went to meditate. My computer had just crashed with the text before I could post it and would not turn on , and I did not know if it would turn on again, ever. I am already quite used to this kind of frustration and did not get mad or anything. I felt the damnedputer would turn on again if it felt like it when it felt like it.
I feel that at times I do contact some independent intelligence, but I am usually not able to hold the conversation for too long. As I said before I might have internal ADD so when one of the guys in there starts talking to me I am not able to listen very long before some other flashy thing grabs my attention and off I go leaving the ascended master talking to the ethers. Today things were a bit different and that is why I want to share it.
I felt as if I woke up, or as if my attention was suddenly upon someone, it felt like a feminine presence, but not very distant or from higher up, and I felt a red color upon her (clothes, uniform). She was talking to me, or to others, something like Oh he woke up. The impressions that follow are quite interesting. I felt like a gorilla waking up in a cage, not really a cage, for any cage would be/is of my own making, soon I was free in that sort of lab, a bit wild and untamed, the scientists were not frightened, it seems this is the sot of thing they expect form the likes of rude boys like me. I was moving about, perhaps to ectoplasmic and dense, but also connected to the dialogue with my lady friend, which I don’t recall the name right now, and there was another one talking to me. It was in a space ship, or a dimensional ship. I felt that I was connected to the "extraterrestrial experiment" (not their words) to raise 3d reality through human incarnate experience to a higher level. This is most difficult to put in words. It is not exactly like Neo waking up, the connection to 3d is stronger, but it could be equaled to getting your head out of the water in some other "room". There was something (but I am so impregnated with the idea I’d not expect anything different) about spaceships rescuing us eventually, but I pictured them more as lights we would see and be inspired by in an internalized way, in a moment of difficulty, than actual steel zeppelins. As our journey is an internal one, and so is most of the dangers we shall encounters and the rescue we shall find.
Back to the lab. All that talk about Apes learning to talk and to write opened my mind to the possibility and to the reality that we are actually being taught also, a new language, and a different use of our innate abilities. The crew on that spaceship are not strangers, they are us, and our friends in other dimensional moments working together in improving the interface between the "higher and the lower" realms - again my words.
The interesting part was feeling all this different levels at the same time operating quite independently. There was the Me (ADD Ape ectoplasmic dense instinctive curious touch everything a bit wild and feral – the sleepy fellow) There was Me talking to scientist in a very level we are the same and talk the same language way, There was the Me that was sitting down meditating, and another that was watching it all.
Also another note – I have been feeling my heart chackra quite abuzz, almost electric, Dzzzzzz. And tell me about tones and whole symphonies. Kundalini energy has been pressing my skull and I have to keep bringing energy to the center, lower in the body.
CABIARÁ é o nome do sitio em que passei minha infancia, um lugar de liberdade e natureza, significa Estrela da Manhã. Aqui uso as palavras pra pensar medos e sonhos, pra fazer e perder sentido, pra pedir socorro, pra oferecer abrigo...
segunda-feira, março 06, 2006
Animal Planet
(As posted in: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/gathering_clans_and_tribes/message/317)
There is a powerful image that I have in my brain since I heard that mankind probably had a very close call with extinction and survived only because a very small group of individuals managed to stay alive. The scientific fact for that comes from Mitochondrial DNA which we inherit only from our mother’s side and the ability that scientists had to analyze it, backtrack its origins and determine that all mankind shares that portion of DNA from a few primitive mothers.
Somehow this always makes me picture a few very brave individuals, the last clan and tribe, the last possibility for our type of physical experience, crossing a high pass over frozen mountains in order to find hunting or fertile grounds. It might have happen too long ago, before instruments, before language, the only help from above being a stronger will to live, a better ability to care for each other, the heightened instinct of knowing they were the last chance for Human experience, and that they had to give all they got in that extreme survival effort. All the ghost from fallen comrades telling, pushing them to keep going, to not give up, to live for them.
I don’t know how many might’ve seen the movie HIDALGO, which tells the story from an American horseman going to compete in a grueling race in Arabia. It is a great heroic movie, from which you can derive many lessons. At the end, both horseman and horse almost beaten, they find in their spirits and hearts the strength for that last monumental sprint, and they beat the other two last contenders by a head (sorry for telling the end). That victory is very momentous because besides saving the girl, and helping the Sultan keep his prized horse, both horseman and horse return to the US and save, with the prize money, a great group of "useless" mustangs from execution by the army, releasing them to the wild open plains. I wonder how much that horse "knew" he was championing for his kind, on some level I think he did understand perfectly his partnership with his "master".
Animals by themselves would probably be content with grazing, humping each other, sleeping and running successfully from the day’s predator. Most animals may not survive the century’s ahead if we are not able to include them in our "culture". Big apes for instance are being taught get used to, and to allow for, human observation and contact, so they become more "valuable" alive than dead. Hence diminishing the interest for hunting them, or making them able to "afford" for their survival by becoming their own source of income. Apes as they come have great abilities, but left alone they would never, in the timeframe necessary, learn to talk and tell us to stop killing them. Nonetheless they can learn symbols, language, and they then become able to show us an incredible inner universe, inside an ape’s head. In time they may become, who knows, proficient and able to explore their Apeness in ways that were not possible before to them. What I am trying to say is that even having hands, being able to discern colors and to learn very sophisticated skills, apes would not normally, or willfully do that. I bet the ones that are learning new skill these days are champions for their kind, anonymous, disinterested, Saviors.
I believe that can be telling of something about us Humans too. We are Animals of a different environment, ours is a jungle of probabilities and choices, of learning (or not at all) through experience, of connections, relations, values, attachments, denials, of flexible behavior... Can we say we are apes with a big "virtual" reality inside (AKA Spirit)? We are greatly endowed for living in that jungle, but left for ourselves we would probably go about our regular business of warring, conquering, imposing, resisting (and sleeping, eating, humping of course). We would do that even if we can see colors in a way that we identify them light years away, or that we have hands that we can explore a thousand different quilt patterns or experiment a million different alloy combinations, or imagine a trillion gazillion better ways to our Destiny. What kind of animal are we? What kind of creature? How well, joyfully, completely, are we using our creature talents to create our worlds, to terraform our inner landscape as Eden, Atlantis, or Baghdad...?
On another movie reference, who saw DUNE might remember the Navigator, an amazing being that could create space distortions so spaceships could cross the immense cosmic expanse. A being specialized in opening Gates, a distinct evolution specialized in doing just that. Who are our Navigators, and our Communicators, and our Motivators?
I am not talking in a literal Judgment Day way but when I look at our internal environment I see storms and locusts coming, they may never need to materialize for us to live in chaos, for in a very real sense we already are... Ways that served us right for thousands of years have become soiled and darkened in contrast to what we can become, to what we envision we can be now that we started learning new skills, or learning the true dimension of the skills we have. Mostly Lacking meaning and direction, without a bright horizon in sight, collectively pursuing very shallow values and elusive security mankind seem to be headed like brainless Diplodocuses for the tar pits. Some people work for and advocate Pandaemoneum, believing only through complete chaos things will fall in place. But fact is that it is not our external environment that is out of balance (though it is also – as a reflection), but very much our inner collective one. We need to live so close together in this small blue ball, we are so interdependent, so much of what we are is only meaningful or possible through social interaction that it is true to say we are our own environment.
To rise above the noise and to find a high pass to where our spirits can graze may be the mission of a few that are listening to some heavenly tune. A few (self) chosen ones that like in the Hopi legend pass through an opening to the Fifth world. That rip in "reality" might be all that is necessary to save mankind "once again", a group or a few groups that emerge with a new set of simple rules for flock behavior. As in birds flocking it seems only a few set of rules are enough for flocking – 1 don’t touch wings, 2 follow the same direction as the closest bird, 3 stay close... Not really a Constitution, not really a government, just an internal disposition to live together.
As a being that is 99.5 % Ape DNA, I keep pushing my twig inside the ant hill hoping I will find that big juicy one. But also as an Ape it would take me a million years of random typing to produce something like Tolstoy’s War and Peace, of course that 0.5% makes a Universe of difference. Of course any hope of saving anything might be someone’s doom, did you ever try to rescue a Brontosaurus from a tar pit. Airplane wisdom says "In case of emergency put your mask first"...
But then there is this, that virtual world inside you, inside me, that Holobit from it all where you shine over everything like the Sun, where you rule and nurture Creation as God. And that is not 0.5 % of us, nor 99.5 % it is a 100 plus %. It is all of it and then some.
I hope to see you over that pass
1 Stay close
2 Follow your Heart
3 Give me your Hand
What rules of engagement can you imagine?
There is a powerful image that I have in my brain since I heard that mankind probably had a very close call with extinction and survived only because a very small group of individuals managed to stay alive. The scientific fact for that comes from Mitochondrial DNA which we inherit only from our mother’s side and the ability that scientists had to analyze it, backtrack its origins and determine that all mankind shares that portion of DNA from a few primitive mothers.
Somehow this always makes me picture a few very brave individuals, the last clan and tribe, the last possibility for our type of physical experience, crossing a high pass over frozen mountains in order to find hunting or fertile grounds. It might have happen too long ago, before instruments, before language, the only help from above being a stronger will to live, a better ability to care for each other, the heightened instinct of knowing they were the last chance for Human experience, and that they had to give all they got in that extreme survival effort. All the ghost from fallen comrades telling, pushing them to keep going, to not give up, to live for them.
I don’t know how many might’ve seen the movie HIDALGO, which tells the story from an American horseman going to compete in a grueling race in Arabia. It is a great heroic movie, from which you can derive many lessons. At the end, both horseman and horse almost beaten, they find in their spirits and hearts the strength for that last monumental sprint, and they beat the other two last contenders by a head (sorry for telling the end). That victory is very momentous because besides saving the girl, and helping the Sultan keep his prized horse, both horseman and horse return to the US and save, with the prize money, a great group of "useless" mustangs from execution by the army, releasing them to the wild open plains. I wonder how much that horse "knew" he was championing for his kind, on some level I think he did understand perfectly his partnership with his "master".
Animals by themselves would probably be content with grazing, humping each other, sleeping and running successfully from the day’s predator. Most animals may not survive the century’s ahead if we are not able to include them in our "culture". Big apes for instance are being taught get used to, and to allow for, human observation and contact, so they become more "valuable" alive than dead. Hence diminishing the interest for hunting them, or making them able to "afford" for their survival by becoming their own source of income. Apes as they come have great abilities, but left alone they would never, in the timeframe necessary, learn to talk and tell us to stop killing them. Nonetheless they can learn symbols, language, and they then become able to show us an incredible inner universe, inside an ape’s head. In time they may become, who knows, proficient and able to explore their Apeness in ways that were not possible before to them. What I am trying to say is that even having hands, being able to discern colors and to learn very sophisticated skills, apes would not normally, or willfully do that. I bet the ones that are learning new skill these days are champions for their kind, anonymous, disinterested, Saviors.
I believe that can be telling of something about us Humans too. We are Animals of a different environment, ours is a jungle of probabilities and choices, of learning (or not at all) through experience, of connections, relations, values, attachments, denials, of flexible behavior... Can we say we are apes with a big "virtual" reality inside (AKA Spirit)? We are greatly endowed for living in that jungle, but left for ourselves we would probably go about our regular business of warring, conquering, imposing, resisting (and sleeping, eating, humping of course). We would do that even if we can see colors in a way that we identify them light years away, or that we have hands that we can explore a thousand different quilt patterns or experiment a million different alloy combinations, or imagine a trillion gazillion better ways to our Destiny. What kind of animal are we? What kind of creature? How well, joyfully, completely, are we using our creature talents to create our worlds, to terraform our inner landscape as Eden, Atlantis, or Baghdad...?
On another movie reference, who saw DUNE might remember the Navigator, an amazing being that could create space distortions so spaceships could cross the immense cosmic expanse. A being specialized in opening Gates, a distinct evolution specialized in doing just that. Who are our Navigators, and our Communicators, and our Motivators?
I am not talking in a literal Judgment Day way but when I look at our internal environment I see storms and locusts coming, they may never need to materialize for us to live in chaos, for in a very real sense we already are... Ways that served us right for thousands of years have become soiled and darkened in contrast to what we can become, to what we envision we can be now that we started learning new skills, or learning the true dimension of the skills we have. Mostly Lacking meaning and direction, without a bright horizon in sight, collectively pursuing very shallow values and elusive security mankind seem to be headed like brainless Diplodocuses for the tar pits. Some people work for and advocate Pandaemoneum, believing only through complete chaos things will fall in place. But fact is that it is not our external environment that is out of balance (though it is also – as a reflection), but very much our inner collective one. We need to live so close together in this small blue ball, we are so interdependent, so much of what we are is only meaningful or possible through social interaction that it is true to say we are our own environment.
To rise above the noise and to find a high pass to where our spirits can graze may be the mission of a few that are listening to some heavenly tune. A few (self) chosen ones that like in the Hopi legend pass through an opening to the Fifth world. That rip in "reality" might be all that is necessary to save mankind "once again", a group or a few groups that emerge with a new set of simple rules for flock behavior. As in birds flocking it seems only a few set of rules are enough for flocking – 1 don’t touch wings, 2 follow the same direction as the closest bird, 3 stay close... Not really a Constitution, not really a government, just an internal disposition to live together.
As a being that is 99.5 % Ape DNA, I keep pushing my twig inside the ant hill hoping I will find that big juicy one. But also as an Ape it would take me a million years of random typing to produce something like Tolstoy’s War and Peace, of course that 0.5% makes a Universe of difference. Of course any hope of saving anything might be someone’s doom, did you ever try to rescue a Brontosaurus from a tar pit. Airplane wisdom says "In case of emergency put your mask first"...
But then there is this, that virtual world inside you, inside me, that Holobit from it all where you shine over everything like the Sun, where you rule and nurture Creation as God. And that is not 0.5 % of us, nor 99.5 % it is a 100 plus %. It is all of it and then some.
I hope to see you over that pass
1 Stay close
2 Follow your Heart
3 Give me your Hand
What rules of engagement can you imagine?
An Amazing Maze of Musings
(As posted in http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/gathering_clans_and_tribes/message/240)
The words and concepts we sometimes use are so charged with meaning,and some have more than one heavy significance, that instead ofhelping they actually hinder communication, as they evoke in onerejection and affection in another. Most of them are words we socommonly use that we don´t think twice about their meaning, likepeople we know so much we take for granted. It is like we know themso well that we cannot learn anything else about them. Anotherlanguaging problem is that it mostly antropormorphises all itdefines, and we must look for ways to deantropomorphise our minds.We must find images that define us in other ways than just physicalbodies. Stars connected in heaven, jellyfish, energetic eggs, sacredanimals. For instance when I say God, Goddess, Gods, Goddesses, wesee Zeus, Jehova, Kwan Yin, Gaya, Athena, Mother Nature, Oxum. Andwe think that the Cosmos was created with human motivation, humanintention, and that it is explainable by human languaging alone.
Top, Bottom, High, Low, Male, Female, Young, Old, 5 fingers, legs.Some studies say Language goes "hand in hand" with our ability tomanipulate, they both came up at the same evolutionary point, andare in close regions of the brain. We give faces and human intentionto planets in the sky, we measure our Cosmos in inches. Should weask how does the Cosmos measure (if at all) us?
Once I realized I "knew so much" that I became functionally dumb, somany connections in my brain already taken by things I knew, Ibecame more open to new stuff. Also more recently I came to the hardconclusion that my attention span is at times no better than mycat's when internal connection is the matter. I respond steadily toexternal demands, in that I am (sort of ) reliable and established,but when it comes to internal work, internal demands things arefoggier and a lot less certain. It might be that my internal clientsare not so vocal, as my external are, but I feel I am letting downan important crowd.
I am usually drowned by my internal perceptions, so cosmic andadvanced, and by a personal demand to know it all. It is as if I hadassigned to myself this impossible task of understanding andexplaining it all, formulating solutions to the problems of life.But I am a poor scientist, and my scientific process is a very poorone, I have a lot of untested theories, and a bagful ofsuppositions, and two closets of things that don't quite fit withone another but I like´m so much that I have been keeping them forages.
Then it came to my mind, as things always and steadily come to mymind, like a train station, that I don't need to know it all (duh!)to individuate, to become a happy connected and productive particlein the Multiverse. I don't have to explain it all, figure it allout, digest it, equate it, compare it, solve it, define it as a pathto personal growth. It is that Just Be realization coming to myuniverse.
It seems Just Being, will bring me to terms with the Holographicview of things. The word Holographic is not really precise for itbrings the sense of stillness of an instant picture, I think a termlike HoloMind, or HoloConciousness is more likely to explain it. Forwe are the Cosmos`s Mini-Mes, bubbles of e-gas in a consciousnessmedium. We are Gods, it is written somewhere so it is official.
Another note I must share from the frontier. This is another ofthose charged concepts "The Human Condition", which I nonethelessthink is worth musing over. The Human Condition is of RelativePower, Relative Knowledge, even Relative Morals in comparison to TheDivine Condition which is of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnieverything (Omni-Omni?). Which reveals that the Human Condition is aCondition of Relationship – We must relate, articulate, flex, join,empower, receive, accept…. Flow
In Joy
The words and concepts we sometimes use are so charged with meaning,and some have more than one heavy significance, that instead ofhelping they actually hinder communication, as they evoke in onerejection and affection in another. Most of them are words we socommonly use that we don´t think twice about their meaning, likepeople we know so much we take for granted. It is like we know themso well that we cannot learn anything else about them. Anotherlanguaging problem is that it mostly antropormorphises all itdefines, and we must look for ways to deantropomorphise our minds.We must find images that define us in other ways than just physicalbodies. Stars connected in heaven, jellyfish, energetic eggs, sacredanimals. For instance when I say God, Goddess, Gods, Goddesses, wesee Zeus, Jehova, Kwan Yin, Gaya, Athena, Mother Nature, Oxum. Andwe think that the Cosmos was created with human motivation, humanintention, and that it is explainable by human languaging alone.
Top, Bottom, High, Low, Male, Female, Young, Old, 5 fingers, legs.Some studies say Language goes "hand in hand" with our ability tomanipulate, they both came up at the same evolutionary point, andare in close regions of the brain. We give faces and human intentionto planets in the sky, we measure our Cosmos in inches. Should weask how does the Cosmos measure (if at all) us?
Once I realized I "knew so much" that I became functionally dumb, somany connections in my brain already taken by things I knew, Ibecame more open to new stuff. Also more recently I came to the hardconclusion that my attention span is at times no better than mycat's when internal connection is the matter. I respond steadily toexternal demands, in that I am (sort of ) reliable and established,but when it comes to internal work, internal demands things arefoggier and a lot less certain. It might be that my internal clientsare not so vocal, as my external are, but I feel I am letting downan important crowd.
I am usually drowned by my internal perceptions, so cosmic andadvanced, and by a personal demand to know it all. It is as if I hadassigned to myself this impossible task of understanding andexplaining it all, formulating solutions to the problems of life.But I am a poor scientist, and my scientific process is a very poorone, I have a lot of untested theories, and a bagful ofsuppositions, and two closets of things that don't quite fit withone another but I like´m so much that I have been keeping them forages.
Then it came to my mind, as things always and steadily come to mymind, like a train station, that I don't need to know it all (duh!)to individuate, to become a happy connected and productive particlein the Multiverse. I don't have to explain it all, figure it allout, digest it, equate it, compare it, solve it, define it as a pathto personal growth. It is that Just Be realization coming to myuniverse.
It seems Just Being, will bring me to terms with the Holographicview of things. The word Holographic is not really precise for itbrings the sense of stillness of an instant picture, I think a termlike HoloMind, or HoloConciousness is more likely to explain it. Forwe are the Cosmos`s Mini-Mes, bubbles of e-gas in a consciousnessmedium. We are Gods, it is written somewhere so it is official.
Another note I must share from the frontier. This is another ofthose charged concepts "The Human Condition", which I nonethelessthink is worth musing over. The Human Condition is of RelativePower, Relative Knowledge, even Relative Morals in comparison to TheDivine Condition which is of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnieverything (Omni-Omni?). Which reveals that the Human Condition is aCondition of Relationship – We must relate, articulate, flex, join,empower, receive, accept…. Flow
In Joy
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