quarta-feira, agosto 24, 2005

Reality Management

An attempt at an analogy between modern 3d>4d>5d CAD Aplications and reality creation (management).

As some of you know i design and build furniture. In doing that i use a CAD (Computer Aided Design) application, actually most of the tome i spend in front of the computer is using AutoCad. Most CAD programs deal with 3d very well, one can virtually build any kind of thing using them. They are called 3d modeling programs and more than being just a drafting aid they are becoming 3d management systems, with a lot more stuff added to the project information than is possible in a simple flat page. You can turn parts on and off, and see sheets of data related to that part, you can rotate an object, and see it rendered in many ways under different lights and made of different materials, you can calculate mass, center of gravity, heat dissipation. You name the phisical property.

Recently these programs heve been developing from 3d into 4d, as programers realized that they could bring time into the picture. The 4d axis allows one to program the assembly order, or any step taken in actualizing the project in assembly. This is a plus for analizing production times, automated tooling and etcetera. It seems pretty obvious to add the time component to a modeling program, many animation programs do just that. The difference is that these are project dedicated programs, and in them you deal with time differently than you would in a past to future animation program. You deal with time as a potential, as a space where you try different configurations, where you split this and that way so you can test the best possibility when it comes to materializing the project at hand, and manage the time involved. Not only in materializing i should say, but in plant processes management, in cycles of use for architectural spaces, in some aspects of logistics. The project generated in such programs agregate great amounts of information about the object and become managing tools completely integrated to that very object.

I always felt that when we esoterics talk about 3d we are using a less than apropriate term, since the time axis is very present for us. But perhaps we are more immersed in it than in the other 3 dimensions we lose sight of it. I guess it is right to say we are so planted in a 4d platform in order to deal with 3d that we do not really consider it.

Nowadays 4d CAD programs seem to be adding still another axis, a 5th one into managing projects. This development is related to what specialists call Information and Comunication Technology. This 5th axis is dedicated to the integration between a CAD and other different applications but also, and this seems to be the major purpose of this dimension in designing, to the cost, resource and pricing aspect of a project. But how all this techno crap serves at all to make a good analogy here? I think it does.

A project manager is challenged always to make the best use of limited resources, begining with the formal aspects of development, from a point idea (1d), to a sheet drawing (2d) to an actual object (3d), fabricated in time (4d) with just an exact amount of resources and materials (5d). In making things i always feel you can do the ugliest most useless thing or a very worthy object with about the same resources. Actually it seems the ugliest ones take more of anything, and last least than the best. Design is an integrated thing, that in some aspects actually confers an object with a kind of a soul.

Also Design is becoming a major force in modern life, as it integrates many different disciplines into one seamless purpose. The word Design has a meaning when you think about an object´s design, and an expanded one when you thing of God´s Designs. Design in all is a good thing, and when it is not skin deep it is something that brings a lot more into the picture and into the object than is observable.

I hope you do not find it all too arid, male, and rational but I find meaningfull that programers added that 5th axis to CAD applications and related that additional axis to resource management.

I always felt that walking into 5d would not mean that now we have the Genie under control, and that our every wish and desire would promptly materialize, as many seem to believe, regardless of limitations. To me walking into 5d means we will become more aware of the resources we have, and learn to manage them to “perfection”.

I think the perspective acquired from 5d is actually a very sobering one, that the resources that are given to one are limited, unique and precious. Isn´t that what we are learning all around, from water to air, from our lifespan to the people we meet in it, from how we spend our life and how we take care of our health. I believe the “investment” that the life force, God, or whatever name you like, will do in us is proportional to our ability to manage the givens. The givens in our lives, any karmic bondage or conscious affection, life setting and condition, geographical, economical, genetical... strengths, flaws, abilities, networks, isolation, whatever that is right in front of us or within our grasp to imagine, take, mold, accept.

I remember reading somewhere that many souls were departing to no longer incarnate because they were unwilling to face all the work ahead. To me, if we read the trends evident all over, we will see no fireworks, but we will get to the inevitable point of having to acknowledge we entered an era of communication and of relationship, an era were mankind must mature into a more responsible, wise and altogether compact and efficient body, an era of limited resources that will force us to get and work closer together, but also an era of warmer bonfires under the skyes, of breaking into laughter after all the stress and hardwork, of being helped through the highest pass. An era of finally getting over fear, and decisively seeing our Destiny in the eternity of the stars.

And, as a final note, think that a Master is Masterfull not because he takes a lot, or has unlimited resources at his disposal, but because he made the finite resources infinite and sacred by his Reality Management. The Master overcomes material limitation pouring into it infinite perspective.

By Antonio (Guga Casari)

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