Upon some reflection I came to realize that again the MATRIX parable is very applicable in bringing to attention some aspects of our present lives. In a way we are feeding the world wide economic and informatic machine we created, with all we have, with our souls even. It is not really the machine's fault, since by definition machines are soulless.
The intense acceleration we feel coming from the fast communications and the time freed by computer efficiency and intelligence, only to be occupied by increased workloads and a demand for increased personal efficiency, coupled with the disappearance of the learning curve beyond the horizon of possible human achievement, is making us Humans feel obsolete, futile things that hardly deserve to be living. And for lack of collective vision this machinery is making us only more efficient locusts blindly destroying the world and ourselves in the process.
We are becoming amazingly rich and fat, but not less hungry, softened by all the pillows we created, but not more comfortable, self indulging and addicted to all sorts of somatic rewards, never pleased. Some of us are like that and some of us are on the otherside of the spectrum, drained of all hope, incapable to envision any salvation but the one promised on another world. From hoping it all goes to hell in a basket to actually taking their own lives to jump on comets, from being bombed to being mistaken for a terrorist and killed (unarmed) from the back with 5 shots in the head by ScotlandYard, hopeless things…
And all the while there seems to be huge concentrations of wealth, killing people, and huge lacks of it, also killing people. Of course world problems cannot be reduced to wealth problems alone, but I feel it is undeniable that wealth distribution is one of the greatest indicators if things are going in the right direction. I think it cannot be denied that if you divide the present worldwealth by the world population we are much richer no than we've ever been, but how many Ox carts to the Lamborghinis, how many brandless sweatshirts and jeans to the Prada?
As the fairness of wealth distribution is in all practicality a nonexisting concept, being more a dream that we collectively don't actupon, the need for wealth destroyers arise. They are all over, destroying lives, their own (bomb men), destroying wealth by corruption, by accumulation, by warring and piling up arsenals, by just buying the latest gas guzzling muscle car because "I deserve some reward for being myself".
All this world wide aspect of manifest destruction and hopelessness is in part because we groupally cannot make the minute personal destruction (and transformation) of self sacrifice, of self abasement, of self criticism, of Forgiveness. All this reductive pressure upon us comes from our own personal inflation of demands,of wants and needs, of attention. We depreciate the world and ourselves by our exagerated needs.
If you think of what is really necessary to live, all that really matters, all that is completely and totally rich is like a pearl, round, shiny, solid, natural, beautiful and long lasting. On the other hand, if we compile all we think we need it would look more like a party balloon, feisty, full of gas, explosive, futile, short lived, artificial and cheap… Put that pearl inside the balloon, put all balloons in the world inside a room and you take all the air from it, you restrict all movement also. It becomes impossible for one pearl to get close enough to another to really understand its take on things, not to say it is impossible to collectively get together on what is really important and to closely appreciate each other's "Pearliness". No wonder from time to time one of us pops and goes postal, or feels like throwing a plane into a building or occupying another country, or from public office deceiving the people and stealing from public money, or robbing a national central bank vault (both of this last things are happening and happened herein Brazil).
Coming back to the MATRIX argument, at this point we are only feeding a soulless machine. We did not yet grasp how off center we were before the information age, and how even more off center we are right now. We are hypnotized by all the pixels blinking in front ofus, giving us the illusion and futile Pavlovian reward of electronic control. We are feeding this Global machine with our souls, hoping we are doing the right thing, but the machine itself does not know what to do or where to go, and apparently its programming needs a huge adjustment or we are into a big reality check. It comes to mind the image of the benign thinking helmet or hat, that you put on (or take off) to become more intelligent to do all the good things you must, or the malignant implanted chip that controls your every move and thought and commands you to do things you do not want to do.
The choice between making these appendages iron balls that bind usto very restricted and grey efficiency stalls, or feathery wings that help us enjoy being human even more greatly resides at everyone of us wanting to be at the center and not wanting to be the center. We are actually trying to answer the question that asks ifmachines (mechanical behavior) will take us over. If "they" do they would only be jumping into oblivion with us. And I qualifythis "they" as the Mechanical / Hierarchical / Patriarchal aspect of our own personalities, an aspect that surrenders all its own volition to the demands of a system. I believe this is something that springs, of all the unexpected things, of our own insufficient animal nature. Well, you say, how can a mechanical behavior come from animal nature? I say it is possible because we are animals that, besides being technologically inclined, can deny our deepest feelings, our instincts and natural souls.
I saw a short news flic that showed North Koreans under a huge statue of their former president (nuke crazed and present little king KIM JongII´s daddy), they were bowing to the statue in reverence, as to a Buddha, which he surely was not. That impressed me deeply, as right now in Brazil the government is under the biggest and most widespread corruption investigation that ever seem to have happened in a democratic country. And despite all logical indications that our President is involved most people deny the fact or make political compromises so he stays in power, or else things would get too messed up. We must not forget we are monkeys, and we fear the biggest gorilla and feel we need his parental protection. God in heaven being the greatest of great apes.
In most cases we resist in seeing daddy's shortcomings, or the shortcomings of daddy's system, or the placement "he" gave us in the pecking order. We proceed in the belief that if I push that lever as I am supposed to all will be well and dad's tribe will take care of me, never knowing that this is that life sucking chip whispering in our ears. We proceed in surrendering all responsibility to an external agent, an oppressor, a protector, a seducer, a whisperer, a split personality character…
What is the blue pill, what are its effects, how shall we make theMATRIX work for us and for all life? How do we become the Uncorrupted Souls that came to play in this Heavenly Garden, that came to explore the joys of this Infinite Universe, that came to Become Reunited with the Center of It All, that came to Transmute it All back into Light and Return it a thousand fold shinier to the Creator? How do we overcome the limited nature of our crib, and transmute into Eternal Beings?
Do you feel you are getting nearer the pass? Can you envision the singularity? Can you create it? Would you accelerate towards it, and compress all that is not necessary out of the equation, zipping up your personal history to reach that nexus? Realize that all that will happen is a Deja "Not" Vu, a positive glitch in the MATRIX where all is exactly the same but now you see it all completely renewed and different. You see the code.
--- Operator?....
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